April 04, 2017

Street Photography - My point of view

 My definition of street photography has become quite fluid with time. It keeps on expanding as I immerse myself in exploring it.

Passing time- Street Portrait 

Thinking about what street photography is, leads me to a field or subject or a genre which has a huge possibilities and huge scope.

Yet, I am much clearer about what is not street photography for me, namely: 

1. Landscape photography
2. Nature photography
3. Wild life and bird photography
4. Product photography
5. Studio photography.
6. Photography done inside one's own home.

Genres like architectural photography, abstract photography, people and portraits , photos captured on the beach , forest or mountains, bus or railway stations, inside train or subways, are part of street photography for me.

Subway stories- Tokyo- Street Photography

Simply anything and everything that happens on the street or belongs to the street can become a subject for street photography. Once you leave your home and you are out, street becomes your playground. Obvious exceptions being point no.1, 2, and 3 described above, though roads or tracks may be part of that experience and can fall under category of street photography.

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  1. Yes. That is right. Playground invites many people and objects to play their role. This role play works well in Street Photography :)

  2. Good post, Sonali. I need to spend more time with street photography.

  3. Nice blog and the pictures you click are very much attractive for me and the concept of landscape photography is very clear.

    Edmonton Photography
