July 19, 2010

Faces of India - 7 Through the Window

Recently I took a walk inside the old city of Ahmedabad. Passing through narrow lanes and "Pols" of old city one feature I took particular notice was of windows of the houses which lined these lanes.
Social life of residents of these lanes,poles  revolve around happenings in lanes,poles or squares they live in. Window is their viewfinder to this life. It is their link to the world outside their homes. Any new entrant to the area brings them to their window . People passing through are observed keenly,discussed  and of course welcomed with open warmth.

Interaction with milkman, hawkers also sometimes happen through windows.


  1. Thank you for these pics. I had the privelege of visiting south India...and I can see the rich colors and aspects of life in your photos. Katy Keiser
